Fast charts with JavaScript

Dynamic Charts with CSS and JavaScript.

And without Pictures or Plugins!
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Avoid common pitfalls: Class names for CSS usage: Only use the following functions even when other functions or objects are also accessible, because other functions or objects can be changed without notice!

Parameter class for the class FillUpChart: ColorPara Parameter class for the class FillUpChart: ComparePara Constructor: FillUpChart (X-Label, Y-Label, Width, ChartWidth, Height, ChartHeight, Dragging, ColorPara, ChartType, ComparePara)
Public methods of class FillUpChart
ActualValue (Actual value, Line color, Line length, Text color, Text height, Font)
MaxValue (Max value, Line color, Line length, Text color, Text height, Font)
MinValue (Min value, Line color, Line length, Text color, Text height, Font)
GetXPos (Xval)
SetOpenHighLowClose (Xval, Open, High, Low, Close)
SetPoint (Xval, Value)
ScaleY (X Pos of Min Y, Min Y, X Pos of Max Y, Max Y)
SetYLabels (Min parts, Line color, Line overflow, TextHAbst, abstTop, abstBottom, Font, Color)
SetXLabels (Line color, Line overflow, TextVAbst, TextHAbst, Font, Color)
SetXLabel (Pos, Text)
SetXRange (Min X, Max X)
SetNewMaxValue (X Pos of Max Y, Max Y)
Use this function to set the exact position of the maximum value. SetNewMinValue (X Pos of Min Y, Min Y)
Use this function to set the exact position of the minimum value. Callback functions
onNewMaxValue (X Pos of Max Y, Max Y)
onNewMinValue (X Pos of Min Y, Min Y)
onMouseOverBar (X pos Open, Open Val, xReserved1, Max Y, xReserved2, Min Y, X pos Close, Close Val)
onMouseOverOut (reserved1, reserved2, X Pos of Max Y, Max Y, X Pos of Min Y, Min Y, reserved3 ,reserved4)